The office has been providing legal assistance for multiple years within the scope of both individual and collective labour law. We represent employers in collective disputes as well as all disputes and negotiations with the trade unions and representatives of the employees. We also support processes connected with employment of Polish employees abroad as well as employment of foreigners in Poland, including also foreigners from countries other than member states. The scope of assistance includes drafting of legal evaluations within the scope of labour and social insurance laws, including evaluations regarding claims arising from the employment relationship, pay, including pay arising from work in overtime, holidays, work time, occupational health and safety as well as issues of mobbing and discrimination, and preparation or evaluation of draft documents within the scope of labour law, including:
- contracts of employment, work regulations, pay regulations, no competition agreements, corporate collective labour agreements, voluntary redundancy schemes,
- preparation of management contract drafts,
- development of comprehensive legal solutions preventing internal corruption as well as infringements of the competition prohibitions and employer’s business secret.
The office offers legal assistance both for employees and employers within the scope of advising and representation in the course of litigations before courts of all instances.