In 2010-2013, the legal counsels of this office participated in fourteen quarterly audits of company Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. and other member companies of the TP Group, with the objective of:
- advising on the matter of proper performance of obligations imposed on the companies under the agreement of 22 October 2009 concluded between Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. and the President of the Electronic Communication Office; this agreement stipulated, in particular, the activities aiming at improvement of cooperation with alternative operators as well as performance of new principles of functioning of the telecommunication market, ending the process of development of new principles of functioning of the telecommunication market in Poland; conclusion of the agreement allowed to avoid a regulatory action against Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. in the form of functional division, and this agreement remains the only document of its type in the European Union,
- analysing risk related to participation of entrepreneurs, including telecommunication entrepreneurs, in projects regarding broadband networks,
- evaluation of the content of tenders and frame agreements,
- drafting regulations of procedure and processing of protected data,
- advising regarding a number of other issues connected with telecommunication business.