Closer to the client – automatically
EU project – B2B communications platform
Complicated project involve large teams, tremendous amount of data and the need of constant communication. We improve the operation of our firm and the dialogue with customers using state-of-the-art solutions. We are in the midst of implementation of a project that will streamline and to some extend automate the business processes between SWS and our business partners and service providers. The innovative B2B IT system implemented in our office will allow for fast data exchange between the contractors and employees.
The system will be available virtually from everywhere in the world at any time, using one of these three ways of access – an Internet browser, a mobile phone or a tablet. The system will embrace project management, team work, knowledge and document base, running of the firm and reconciliations of projects.
Individual modules will be combined by a common workflow. This will enable a “flow”, in an orderly manner, of any information, data and documents on our customers or partners, cases, tasks, on-going projects, work time between our employees but also between our customers and our partners. Implementation of electronic signature in the processes will allow to replace the traditional (paper) document circulation with an electronic one.
Such solutions will allow, among other things, elimination of duplication of the same documents or – due to introduction of a shared data repository – search for information in several places in the company at one. This will also provide great support in the process of collective preparation of documents, agreements and contracts. The system will take care of version designation for the documents as well as their electronic circulation between the interested parties. The partner/client will have access to the Repository of all documents connected with their case through their Internet browser, without necessary contact with the office staff. It will be also possible to browse the list by any criteria and to view it via the system.
The entire process connected with project settlement will be replaced with an electronic form. Use of electronic signature will allow for complete elimination of paper document circulation in the settlement process.
The B2B will be adapted to support our partners overseas, it will be fully translated into English.