The SWS Law Firm will be the Key Expert for the contractor’s legal service for the Regional Water Management Board in Szczecin, which concerns Flood Protection in the Odra and Vistula Rivers.
The contract is worth PLN 5 billions.
The main goal of the project is to implement most urgent flood protection tasks in the selected river basins of two of the largest Polish rivers: the Vistula and the Odra. The project assumes the construction or modernization of flood protection infrastructure and the implementation of related activities in three distinct areas: Central and Lower Odra; the Kłodzko Valley and selected fragments of Upper Vistula River Basin. It has been estimated that areas which are close to the proposed modernization and building activities are inhabited by approximately 15.1 million people – residents of municipalities, towns and cities that have been severely affected by significant flood damage or are exposed to the high risk of flooding.
The Flood Protection Project in the Odra and the Vistula Rivers is co-financed by the World Bank.