We are pleased to invite you to attend labor law training course, which will take place on 28 March, 2017 in the city center of Poznan (Hotel Blow Up Hall 5050, Malt +2, Polwiejska 42 Street, Old Brewery building). The event aims to familiarize participants with recent changes that have occurred in labor law area at the turn of 2016 and 2017.
The scope and the matter for above mentioned event can be summarised as follows: fixed-term employment contract, conclusion of the employment contract and confirmation in writing, parenthood-related rights of employees, working time, work certificates, remuneration of the commission contract as well as the compensations aspects related to the contracts of employment (in terms of tax).
The training course will be conducted by Ms Anna Nowacka (legal advisor), Ms Magda Wozniak (legal advisor) and Mr Filip Siwek (tax advisor) – experienced and respected practitioners with many years of experience providing legal services to entrepreneurs.
More information is available at: https://sws.com.pl/pl/strefa-prawa-pracy/
You are welcome to attend !